Local Lives

This web site is dedicated to the neighbours who make a difference.

In any community some individuals make more impact than others. This web site features just some of those neighbours who act, for example, as volunteers or whose work in some way helps the community.

Every volunteer has their own tale to tell. Their accounts explain their motivation, why they chose a particular charity and give us an insight into how we can get involved.

Discover more …

  • …be amazed by their stories and journeys
  • …gain an insight into their motivation
  • …how their work affects them emotionally
  • …the satisfaction they feel
  • and importantly how you can get involved

Do you know someone…

  • who volunteers in the community
  • makes a difference to the neighbourhood
  • gives to others

..and who wants to tell their story.

Contact us on info@locallives.uk and we will respond. We look forward to hearing from you.

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